Behind the Scenes with Erin Gilmore of Erin Gilmore Photography
HorseWorks Insurance Specialists
Tell us all a little bit about yourself.
I'm originally from Oakland, California and now live in Northern Virginia, outside of Washington DC. I live in a beautiful part of horse country near Middleburg, Virginia, which is famous for being the epicenter of traditional equestrian sports such as steeplechase and foxhunting.
How did you break into the horse industry?
I've loved horses my whole life and grew up riding and doing everything I could to be around them. My first job was turning horses out at the boarding barn near my house and almost every job I've ever had since then has been in the horse world. Camp counselor, assistant trainer, groom, stall mucker, I've done it all!
How long have you been a photographer?
I've been a full time photographer since 2018. Before that I worked in equestrian media for 15 years as a writer and editor.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
Taking photos is always a different kind of challenge where many different elements all play a different part to come together to make a photo. Light, environment, subject, movement, it means that you can always take a different and unique photo - if you try!
How do you define success?
Being successful is all about being content in your work, being motivated and inspired to jump out of bed every day excited to get to work.
What is your greatest professional accomplishment(s)?
I'm not sure what my greatest accomplishment is; most of the time I feel like I was just lucky to visit the places I've been and do incredibly fun things for work. Finding myself as credentialed at the 2012 and 2016 Olympic Games was a big accomplishment and highlight of my career thus far.
Where has your career taken you (places)?
I've been all around Europe to the biggest show jumping competitions in the world, all over North America from Mexico to Canada to everywhere in between, and as previously mentioned, to two Olympics.
Who is/was your favorite horse and rider pair to photograph and why?
My favorite pairs to photograph are the ones where I feel connected to the excitement of the sport the most. Those whose careers I've followed closely and those who I know share legitimate connections with their horses. Rich Fellers and Flexible. Scott Brash and Hello Sanctos. Mclain Ward and HH Azur. Laura Graves and Verdades.
If you weren't a professional photographer where would you be?
I would be retired with nothing to do but ride horses! That's actually what I do when I'm home and not traveling so either way I'm pretty lucky!
In your opinion, what is the value of a photograph to a client?
If you don't take the photo, there will be some point in your life when you look back and deeply regret missing that opportunity. You never get to relive moments in time. But if you have a photograph of that moment, you have a true memory that becomes timeless.